Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bread And Butter Pickles

Today's foray into domesticity (if that is even a word, but I like the way it sounds, so I'm going to say that it is!) was Bread and Butter Pickles.  Again, I have help Mom and probably grandma make these many time, years ago, but this was the first time I've attempted it on my own.  I searched the internet for a recipe and found many.  Most of which had the basics that I remembered and some had things in them that I knew were never in the ones Mom made.  So, I pulled together the basics from a few recipes and came up with one of my own.  (See end of post for recipe.)

Sliced cucumber and onion sitting for 3 hours with salt and ice.

Seasonings used, with sugar and vinegar to create the brine.

Bread and Butter Pickle Brine.

Cucumber and onion cooking in brine.

Finished product . . . 4 quarts of Bread and Butter Pickles.

Bread and Butter Pickles

4 quarts cucumbers
6 medium onions 
2 peppers (optional)
1/3 cup pickling salt

Slice and layer in container with salt and ice in each layer.
Let sit for 3 hours.

4 cups sugar
3 cups vinegar
1 1/2 tsp tumeric
1 1/2 tsp celery seed
2 tbsp mustard seed

Mix together in a large pot and heat to boiling.
Drain cucumbers and remove ice but DO NOT rinse.
Add to brine and bring to boil.
Cook for 5 minutes.
Ladle into hot jars.  Put on lids.
Process in boiling water for 15 minutes.


  1. You're on a roll! And domesticity is totally a word!!!! :) I hope the cucumbers I've planted will let me use your recipe. The plants are only 5" high right now, so I have some time. :)

  2. Glad to hear that domesticity is a word!!! I think next on my list will be pickled beets . . . but not until next weekend!
