Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Got poop?

Last year, the vegetable garden didn't produce quite as well as I would have liked.  The history of my vegetable garden is that I started it the first summer that we lived here (2003) and because I didn't have a lot of time between the melting of the snow and planting time, it wasn't very big.  But each spring after that I would dig out as much more as I had time for between snow and planting until I finally, in 2007, got it as big as I want it, well, it is as big as it can get, sometimes I would like it to be a bit bigger, but this is it!  I don't think that I got any kind of fertilizer on it the first year, and there was a year or two that I bought bags of fertilizer and then for a couple years after that, I had a neighbor bring me some manure from his farm for it.  But it has been a few years since I've put any kind of anything on it.  I know that the newest part has never had anything put on it.  Like I said, last year, the garden really didn't do as well as I would have liked, especially the newest end, so I knew that we had to do something this year.

So, on Easter weekend, while visiting my family, we took full advantage of the fact that we have a truck and the fact that my grandfather is a beef farmer with a big old manure pile in the field.  My uncle filled up the back of the truck with some good old poop . . . in my opinion, the very best fertilizer that there is . . . not only because it works, but also because it is FREE!!!!  

We spent a couple of hours on Easter Monday unloading it from the truck and spreading it on the garden.  Although we could have used a little more, it covered most of the garden.  Now, it can just sit there and let some April Showers spread it's goodness through the soil before we till and then plant the garden!!  

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