Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 4 - April 24-25

So, I know I am totally a week late with this update . . . seriously, I have no idea where the week went!  Last weekend was a busy!  But we got a lot done.  The flower beds needed some weeding. Henry got the garden tilled, it will need to be done at least once more before it can be planted, but there is still lots of time for that.  We also measured it, as we were curious as to how big it actually is.  It is 20' x 35', which is pretty big considering that I originally dug it all by hand!

Back Garden

Side Garden

Side garden with the new edging.

Freshly tilled vegetable garden.  

Spring Leaves on the maple tree.

Lilacs . . . soon!

Bleeding Heart


Aside from keeping the weeds in the flower beds under control and getting the vegetable garden planted towards the end of May, this is my next project . . . this is my herb garden . . . there are a million weeds that seem to have come out of nowhere, the oregano seems to have taken over, but I don't think that anything else has survived, other than a few tiny sprouts of mint.   In the coming weeks, it needs some serious TLC!


  1. The new edging on your garden looks great!!

  2. Thanks! Hopefully I will have time to put the rest in this week!
