Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Has Sprung - March 18, 2012

The time has come to bring "My Almost Green Thumb" out of hibernation and jump into another year of gardening adventures.  This is the earliest I have ever been able to get into the gardens to do my spring cleaning.  Usually, there is snow or it is too cold or on a good year, too wet.  But this is an amazing year, March 18th, 22C, sunny and my flowers are bursting to life.

At first glance, there were just a few little things poking through the soil.


As usual, there was a lot of mess - plants that hand't been trimmed in the fall, dried up leaves that had fallen from near by trees, dead plants that needed to be pulled.  And as always, it looked like a huge job.

Back Flower Bed
Side Flower Bed
Side Flower Bed

But once I got started, it went much faster than expected!  A couple of hours and 4 wheel barrow loads of debris and the gardens were looking so much better.

Tidied up Back Flower Bed
Tidied up Side Flower Bed
Tidied up Side Flower Bed 

There were a few surprises as I was doing my spring cleaning.

Run away bulbs . . . allium, I think!
It may be teeny tiny, but it is the first flower of 2012!
This crocus did not have buds when I went in the house at 2:00pm, but it did when I came back out at 3:30pm!

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