Monday, May 24, 2010

Flowers - week 8

Just some of my flower pics from this week . . . 

Yellow Iris
Bachelor Button . . . just starting to open

Bachelor Buttons . . . side view

Bachelor Button


Painted Daisy bud

Painted Daisy . . . starting to open

Purple tulip

Yellow Lamium

Lily buds

Sweet William buds



Week 8 - May 22-23

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY weekend!  Did some tidying up in the flower beds, planted the vegetable garden (I'll post all the details in another post), hubby tilled the garden and cut all the lawns and we did a bunch of other stuff!  It is a good thing it was a long weekend!!!

Here are the weekly pics of the the flower gardens.

Back garden

Side Garden

Side Garden

And some of my herbs in the herb garden . . . 


Golden Oregano



And my ferns . . . 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Free New Tree

Earlier this spring, I registered for a tree from the Trees for Tomorrow Distribution Program, though the City Of Ottawa.  Yesterday, my new red maple arrived, and I must say, I was surprised.  I was expecting a little sapling, but this is an 8 foot (or maybe even a little taller) tree.  It was delivered to our home and came with a bag of fertilizer and a bag of mulch to use when planting as well as planting instructions!  I am so excited to get our new tree planted and hope that it does well!  

Red Maple

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week 7 - May 15-16

It was a busy day in the gardens for me!  Today was my birthday, so Liam went to Grandma's for the afternoon so that I could have some mommy time!  It was a beautiful day and I had a bunch of new perennials that I got from my mom yesterday that needed to be planted so I spent the afternoon in the gardens!

All my new plants from my mom . . . 2 day lilies, 2 columbine, a lupin, a shasta daisy, and a few other things that I can't remember at this moment!

There was lots of of weeding to do in the gardens and I finally got finished edging the last section of the side garden.

The corner of the side garden, before I finished it today.

The corner of the side garden with the edging finished!  And look how big that rhubarb has gotten!

Once that was finished, I set to work on the mess of a herb garden!  It's still a bit of a mess, the mosquitos were feasting on me!  And it was time to start dinner!  But it is much better than it was!

Herb garden . . . there is still ALOT of oregano that needs to go away, but I am hoping to find more people to give it to, it seems like such a waste to just pull it out!  But it has gone crazy!

And finally, here are my weekly photos . . . enjoy!

Back Garden

Side Garden

Side Garden

Tulip - from Vesey's Purple Passion collection

Tulip - from Vesey's Purple Passion collection

Purple Lilac

White Lilac

Red Maple

Delta Red Hen & Chicken

New growth on my little spruce tree

New Solar lights . . . it is a set of 4 butterflies.

New Solar Lantern

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 6 - May 8-9

I didn't get to spend any time in the gardens this past weekend.  Saturday it rained all day and Sunday was miserably cold.  But I really shouldn't complain because they were calling for snow and we didn't get any of the nasty white stuff!
But here are some photos from earlier this week!

Back Garden

Side Garden

Side Garden

Lily Of The Valley

Tulip (from Vesey's Purple Passion mix)

Tulip (from Vesey's Purple Passion mix)

Ground cover Lily (Vesey's)

Silver Mound


These are my new bulbs that just arrived from Vesey's.  I can't wait to get them planted.  There is a mixed package of 8 Asiatic Lilies, a mixed package of 4 Day Lilies, a package of Fairy Lilies and a package of Freesias.  I'm not sure what I am going to do with the Freesias and Fairy Lilies as they both have to be dug up each fall and replanted in the spring.  I didn't know this when I ordered them and I am not a big fan of things that I have to remember to dig up and replant!  I always forget about them or I can't find the bulbs when it is time to dig them!  I am thinking about planting them in little flower pots and just setting the pots around in the the flower beds, but we'll see!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 5 - May 1-2

There was no gardening done in my world this week . . . I was busy with a charity garage sale for New Moon Rabbit Rescue and had no time for gardening.  I did however dig up some of the "extras" that I had in my flower bed and divide some things that were getting too big.  I dug about 60 plants for the garage sale and was pleased with how many of them sold!

I didn't even have the opportunity to take very good photos this weekend.  I did take some last evening, but my timing wasn't great.  The lighting wasn't working very well with my camera, but here they are anyway.  Hopefully next week will have better pics!

Back Garden

Side Garden

Side Garden

Pink Daffodil

Purple Lilac