Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today in the Flower Beds - April 7, 2012

Can't remember what this is called, it is kind of like Lamb's Ear, but it's not!
**Edited - texted the photo to my sister, who showed my mom, who says that it is Bachelor Buttons!**

Lots and lots and lots of little Evening Primrose!

Isn't this just the cutest bunch of crocuses?

Delta Red Hen and Chicken

Delta Red Hen and Chicken . . . from a different angle!

Another Hen and Chicken




Tulip Bud!

Another Hen and Chicken, this one came from my Nana's flower bed, so I don't know what it's called.

Same Hen and Chicken, different angle!

Hen and Chicken and an Iris

Lots of baby Bee Balm!

Little Columbine popping up all over the place!

More little Columbine popping up all over the place!

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