It was a busy day in the gardens for me! Today was my birthday, so Liam went to Grandma's for the afternoon so that I could have some mommy time! It was a beautiful day and I had a bunch of new perennials that I got from my mom yesterday that needed to be planted so I spent the afternoon in the gardens!
All my new plants from my mom . . . 2 day lilies, 2 columbine, a lupin, a shasta daisy, and a few other things that I can't remember at this moment!
There was lots of of weeding to do in the gardens and I finally got finished edging the last section of the side garden.
The corner of the side garden, before I finished it today.
The corner of the side garden with the edging finished! And look how big that rhubarb has gotten!
Once that was finished, I set to work on the mess of a herb garden! It's still a bit of a mess, the mosquitos were feasting on me! And it was time to start dinner! But it is much better than it was!
Herb garden . . . there is still ALOT of oregano that needs to go away, but I am hoping to find more people to give it to, it seems like such a waste to just pull it out! But it has gone crazy!
And finally, here are my weekly photos . . . enjoy!
Back Garden
Side Garden
Side Garden
Tulip - from Vesey's Purple Passion collection
Tulip - from Vesey's Purple Passion collection
Purple Lilac
White Lilac
Red Maple
Delta Red Hen & Chicken
New growth on my little spruce tree
New Solar lights . . . it is a set of 4 butterflies.
New Solar Lantern